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  • Listed below are publications made available by this office via e-mail.
    Please enter an email address and select the publications you wish to receive.
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    Advance Prices (Class I and Class II)
    Monthly report released on or before the 23rd of each month by the Market Administrator announcing Advanced Prices and Pricing Factors. (PDF)

    Class and Component Prices (Class III and Class IV)
    Monthly report released on or before the 5th of each month by the Market Administrator announcing Class and Component Prices. (PDF)

    Producer Price Differential for F.O. 126 (PPD)
    A monthly report released on or before the 12th of each month by the Market Administrator announcing the current P.P.D. price and utilization. The publication reports the Producer Milk Utilization, Producer Milk Components and the handlers regulated on the Southwest Federal Order. (PDF)

    Market Administrator's Reports (Bulletin)
    A monthly publication issued by the Market Administrator containing data, graphics, maps, and narrative dealing with a variety of dairy issues. Topics may include national and regional level information, or relate to Federal milk orders. (PDF)


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